Prostate cancer kills 35,000 men in the U.S. every year. 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year, making prostate cancer the most common cancer diagnosed in men. Prostate cancer is second to lung cancer in deaths among men. New data has detected a decline in deaths from prostate cancer over the past years. This emphasizes the benefits of early detection.
The physicians at Advanced Urology specialize in early detection. They utilize the latest and most sensitive technology: PSA, free PSA, PSA velocity, combined with the latest equipment and painless biopsy techniques. Early detection provides the patient with the best chance of cure, and options regarding treatments (Radiation, Radioactive seeds - Brachytherapy, Radical prostatectomy, both open and robotic assisted).
Prostate cancer prevention is and should be everyone’s goal. Diet, supplements, general health all seem to play a role.
More information: National Cancer Institute | General Information About Prostate Cancer
Urologists Dr. Steven M. Berman, MD and Dr. Mark Stein, MD specializing in Prostate, Kidney Stones, Erectile Dysfunction, Prostate Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Enlarged Prostate, Bladder Problems, Incontinence, and Female Urology.